Lasting influence flows from the integration of who we are and what we do as followers of Jesus. Long Wake produces resources committed to both.


The Life Jesus Made Possible



To the faithful follower of Jesus, life is anything but ordinary as he or she experiences the things of heaven transforming the things of earth. Followers of the untamed King grow to expect the Spirit to show up and demonstrate God’s love, truth and power in tangible ways every day. In this Kingdom the guilty experience forgiveness, the wounded are healed, the bound are set free and the fearful are overwhelmed by God’s transforming love… Are you ready to explore and experience the Kingdom within your reach? Assuming you are, let’s begin our journey to discover what it can mean to live the life Jesus made possible!


– Get a copy in paperback or in the Kindle edition.


  • This is an intensely practical and applicable book that helps Christians activate their God-given agency by seeing where God is at work and joining him in His quest to transform the world, inch-by-inch, in the context of everyday life.  Dynamic!

    Alan Hirsch Author & Activsit
  • Most of us in the North American Church never grab hold of all that God has for us as his sons and daughters. We settle for an insipid, sterile spirituality that lacks any resemblance to the powerful movement of God we see in the pages of the New Testament. This volume graciously challenges us to step up and into our calling. A must-read for anyone serious about following Jesus wholeheartedly.

    Dr. Sam Metcalf President, CRM
  • Thank God for leaders and practitioners like Bill Randall who show us what it looks like to accept God's invitation in joining the redemptive mission of Jesus in the world! 'The Life Jesus Made Possible,' will embolden you to take up your call as an apprentice of Jesus in his magnificent Kingdom and find yourself transformed by the Spirit along the way. A must read for everyday missional people.

    Christiana Rice Coach and trainer with Thresholds
  • This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to grow up in their faith. Bill will help you understand and integrate the deeper things of God including; the Kingdom, real discipleship, healing ministry and spiritual disciplines.

    Dr. Steve Ogne Author of The Leadership Ladder and TransforMissional Coaching
  • The Life Jesus Made Possible is just what we pastors need, and just when we need it.  Bill Randall gives us a timely reminder that Jesus never meant for us to follow him and to do “greater works than these” on our own strength alone or all on our own.  With a solid biblical and theological background and drawing on years of front-line ministry experience, he demonstrates how community and ministry flows from a vibrant and dynamic relationship with the risen Lord Jesus.  And he shows us how being united with Christ clothed with his gospel can shift us from a reactive posture to the world into a proactive, initiating and creative approach toward the world.  There is a select group of books that work on the reader like a well-guided retreat, The Life Jesus Made Possible is one of them.

    Dr. Robb Redman Founding Dean and Professor at College of Theology, South University
  • I am a Millennial. And I lead a movement that's passionate to see Millennials raised up for Kingdom change around the world. They say Millennials are changing the face of culture, faith and the church and have incredible influence on the world today. But Bill's book brings to light essential truths that my generation cannot miss. The truth that only a Spirit-empowered life leads to any lasting impact; The hope that true healing is found in and from Jesus Christ; The challenge of what it means to be a true follower of Christ in today's culture. What Bill articulates in this book is essential for Millennials – and every generation – to grasp if we honestly desire to live with meaning for the Kingdom of God!

    Ben Stewart Executive Director of Uncharted International
  • Bill Randall has been discipling people for well over 30 years and his many years of ministry experience is clearly seen in this book. In an easy-to-read style and blending of personal spiritual formation and discipleship, The Life Jesus Made Possible provides solid tools for the reader to equip others to advance God's Kingdom.

    Dr. Wanda Walborn Director of Spiritual Formation, Nyack College, Nyack, New York
  • I have just finished reading Bill Randall's new book, The Life Jesus Made Possible. I have known Bill for nearly 30 years and this book is a faithful witness to his life and ministry. Jesus Christ is exalted and glorified with great passion in these pages as He has been throughout Bill's life. In this book, Bill crystallizes the Kingdom principles that have centered him on Christ all these years. I recommend it highly to anyone hungry for more of Jesus and His ways.

    Dr. Ron Walborn Dean, Alliance Theological Seminary
  • In The Life Jesus Made Possible, Bill offers a refreshing look at discipleship. The Kingdom principles he addresses are provocative but balanced. And most importantly, Bill lives the truths he writes about every day. I heartily recommend this book.

    Dr. Rick Sessoms Founder / President, Freedom to Lead International
  • From the beginning of this book, I was jolted by the bold assertion that God’s Kingdom has “everything to do with everything!” And I wasn’t disappointed as each page unfolded more and deeper truths explaining how the supernatural life can be an everyday occurrence for all sincere followers of Christ. Get ready to be introduced to a reality so rich with God’s presence, power, and provision that you’ll find yourself yearning to see the stuff of heaven become the substance of earth! I’m hoping this is only the first of many resources we see from Dr. Bill Randall!

    Dr. Myra Perrine LIFE Coach, Teacher, & People Developer
  • Many Christians believe God is present in the world today. Bill Randall is challenging us to go beyond belief to actively engage, announce, and advance the Kingdom of God, moving the gospel message from the ‘then and there’ to the ‘here and now’. A must read for those interested in embracing the ‘Christ-like instinct to respond to such things as sickness and bondage with expectant prayer.

    Dr. Terry Wardle President, Healing Care Ministries
  • Here is a masterful invitation to a bigger life. To a life of kingdom partnership, power, and impact. It is indeed the life Jesus made possible, but it is more. This is the life we were made for. The life we long for. The irresistible life that a lost world -- and in many places, the church -- doesn't even know is possible. Bill unpacks that life in an accessible and thought-provoking way. The Spirit of God is on the move in fresh bold ways in our day and The Life Jesus Made Possible invites us to participate in that movement. Thank you, Bill. I will be using this book with leaders I serve around the world.

    Gary Mayes, D.Min. Executive Director of ChurchNEXT at CRM
  • In The Life Jesus Made Possible, Dr. Bill Randall de-mystifies discipleship, the Kingdom of God, and the disciplines of the Christian life. Simply and clearly, he explains how to live out what it means to be a disciple under the reign and rule of God. He stirs us to experience the power of Kingdom discipleship and brings the depth of the spiritual life within reach for every believer. I encourage you to read this book and embrace this life that Jesus made possible.

    Paul L. King, D.Min., Th.D. Author, professor, pastor, Doctor of Ministry mentor, Leadership Training Consultant
  • Bill Randall’s powerful new book is the latest addition to the critical few books which have shaped my life—penned by practitioners deeply entrenched in the crucible of cross-cultural church and mission.  Bill captures our attention when he observes “that people most often lack fascination for God's Kingdom, along with having little desire to organize their lives around it, simply because they've never really encountered it.” Each chapter invites the reader to encounter Jesus, and then equips them to embrace the practices revealed in Scripture designed to fuel a fruitful abiding life with Christ. This is the most theologically satisfying book linking the Kingdom of God, discipleship, spiritual formation, the power of the Spirit, healing, and the mission of the church I have read in decades. This is a book for disciples who want to experience transformation beyond mere knowledge, pastors who want to equip and release disciples for supernatural ministry, and cross-cultural workers desiring to scaffold their discipleship by Kingdom truths and supernatural power, not by formulaic discipleship programs.

    Dr. Steve Hoke Leader Development Specialist, Church Resource Ministries
  • Bill Randall’s powerful new book, The Life Jesus Made Possible, unearths the real meaning of the normal Christian life and teaches us how to walk in our divine mandate as world changers and history makers. This book is a clarion call to all Believers to raise up powerful, supernatural wonder-working Jesus people, and to make disciples of all nations. It’s very possible that Bill Randall’s book could equip you to fulfill your divine destiny. Whether you’re a high-maintenance, low-impact believer living a boring Christian life, or you are a mature leader looking for tools to empower your followers, this book is for you!

    Kris Vallotton Senior Associate Leader, Bethel Church, Redding, CA